Gary is the National Practice Leader for Emerging Environmental Risk atMarsh USA. He develops new solutions for clients in responding to emergingenvironmental risks and trends, spearheading Marsh’s efforts in the climatechange arena. Gary is based in Marsh's Washington, D.C. Office and hasextensive experience in the environmental field. He was appointed by thePresident and confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as the General Counselof the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from 1998 to 2001. In thatrole, he served as the Agency's chief legal officer, as a member of EPA'ssenior management team working with the Administrator to establish andcarry out strategic regulatory, legislative and public relations goals, andwas known for bringing together disparate groups to resolve majorenvironmental conflicts. He has also served as Counselor to theAdministrator at EPA and as the Agency's Deputy General Counsel, as well ashaving been a Senior Attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice, where hehandled major environmental litigation from the Everglades to Alaska. Garyhas practiced environmental law in the private sector as a Partner with thelaw firm of Foley Hoag LLP, has served as a consultant to the U.S. SenateEnvironment & Public Works Committee and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, andhas been a Visiting Scholar at the Environmental Law Institute. Garyfrequently testifies as an environmental expert before Congress and speakson emerging environmental issues at law schools. Gary began his legalcareer as a Judicial Clerk to the Honorable Elbert P. Tuttle, Senior Judgeof the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Atlanta.