Peterson, who shared four children with Holding, filed for divorce on November 23 2021 and the pair hashed out their financial disagreements at a bench trial in October 2022. At the time of the divorce Peterson's net worth was about $6.15 million while his wife's net worth was about $602 million, which did not include the roughly $482 million in assets in a trust that Holding controlled. Anne Holding was ordered to pay $202,581,208, which represents half of the stock her family gave to her throughout the marriage and half of another smaller investment. The amount is much larger than what Holding has first proposed to give Peterson in the early phases of the divorce which was either $1million per year or a lump sum of $10 million. The Holding family are behind storied ski resorts Sun Valley and Snowbasin and also own hotels, nearly 400,000 acres of land and Sinclair Oil a privately held company that drills for oil and gas and operates refineries and pipelines. The fortune was created by Holding's father Robert Earl who started out managing the Little America motel in Wyoming in the 1950s. After he died aged 86 in 2013, his wife Carol and three children took over the business. Their family is worth $2.5 billion according to Forbes.