Maura was named one of the “20 Most Powerful Women on Capitol Hill” in 2015 by National Journal and is a well-regarded political strategist with an expertise in press and communications. She served as Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s Chief of Staff for more than 10 years and oversaw all aspects of the Senator’s operation and continues to advise the senator and her team. Shaheen is a senior member of the Armed Services, Foreign Relations, Appropriations, and Small Business Committees. Earlier in her career, Maura served as Chief of Staff and Floor Assistant to U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro from Connecticut. DeLauro is a member of the Democratic Leadership in the House and Chairs the powerful Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee. DeLauro is Chair of the powerful House Appropriations Committee. In the Senate, Maura chaired the Democratic Chiefs of Staff weekly meeting and was on the Steering Committee of the Bi-Partisan Chiefs of Staff, giving her deep relationships with senior staff on both sides of the aisle. Maura took a leave of absence to serve as Director of Congressional Relations for Hillary Clinton’s Campaign during the 2016 presidential primaries. Over many years, Maura has provided political commentary on radio, in print, and on cable news, including being a regular contributor to BBC.