Michelle is a resident of Berryville, a business employee of Berryville, and is a Planning Commissioner for the Town of Berryville. She currently serves as Berryville Main Street’s Secretary, a role she entered into in 2023. Prior to being Secretary, Michelle served as President of Berryville Main Street from 2021- 2022. Michelle has lived in Berryville since 2011. During her career, Michelle was a federal lobbyist for almost 15 years, seeking federal funding and legislative objectives on behalf of non-profit organizations, counties, cities, and towns. It is this experience that Michelle brings to the table when volunteering her time for Berryville Main Street. She understands the need for a vibrant downtown Main Street and the economic impact of promoting tourism. More importantly, she understands the integral part that small business owners and the community play in both of these key objectives.