Z Drescher Kripke is a physician at the UCSD Student Health Center, the wife of Dan Kripke of the Department of Psychiatry, mother to Gawain and Clarissa. Her father's career as a U.S. Public Health physician, and she was born in Louisville. Z got a B.A. in math from Hunter College. She then went to medical school at Columbia University. After her internship in pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, she and Dan went to the White Sands Missile Grounds in New Mexico.They returned to New York for three years where Dan did his residency in psy- chiatry and Z did hers in public health and preventive medicine. Z was Health Officer of part of the Bronx and Washington Heights until they came to San Diego in 1972 when Dan took a position with the Depart-ment of Psychiatry at UCSD.