Joseph "Joe" Orgill III, who helped run a big Memphis-based hardware supply business and supported a wide range of charitable causes including Dixon Gallery and Gardens and Church Health, has died at the age of 80 in March 2016. The family didn't disclose a cause of death but said it was a brief illness. People who knew Mr. Orgill described him as a friendly and good-humored man who rarely sought publicity yet played leadership roles in many Memphis institutions, including the Society of Entrepreneurs. Mr. Orgill was born into a privileged family in Memphis and graduated from the Taft School, a private boarding school in Connecticut, then from Yale University. Orgill Inc., the privately held, under-the-radar company now has its headquarters in Collierville Tennessee. It was founded by Mr. Orgill's ancestors in 1847. Mr. Orgill was survived by his wife, Irene Leatherman Orgill, daughters Adele, Irene, Anne, and Kate, a sister, Kate Orgill Boone, nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.