Neil A Meyerhoff
CEO at Hendersen-Webb, Inc., an apartment property management firm located in Baltimore
Edith Dee Cofrin
Retired Travel Agent - Atlanta
Ellen R Malcolm
Treasurer of Women Vote
Rob Stein
Founder of the Democracy Alliance and Co-Founder of the Committee on States
Morton Funger
Real Estate developer; Ralmor Corporation
Rita Berndt
Professor of Neurology, University Of Maryland Medical School
Jennifer T Stanley
Oxford, Maryland
Jeffrey Z Slavin
Mayor, Town Of Somerset Maryland -Real Estate, CJ O'Shaughnessy Inc.
Anne D Taft
Investor - Binghamton, New York
Stewart W Bainum Jr
Former Maryland State Senator; Chairman of three companies: Manor Care, Inc., Choice Hotels International, Inc., and Sunburst Hospitality
Democratic Party
The U.S. Democratic Party