The bodyguard of Ginia Rinehart has died after suffering a heart attack in a luxurious London hotel suite. Rinehart, the daughter of Australia's wealthiest woman Gina Rinehart, found the bodyguard after he attempted to take his own life at the Dorchester Hotel, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. Australian Army veteran Jerry Rouwhorst, 35, had been commended for bravery while serving in East Timor in 2007. He was rushed to hospital after being found on March 16, but died three days later. A notice of his commendation was published two days before he was hospitalised. His family have arranged for his body to be brought back to Tasmania for his funeral. A death notice for Mr Rouwhorst was published in Tasmanian newspaper The Advocate last week. "Jerry flashed like a meteor across the sky ... and burnt out too soon," the notice read.