John M. Partridge, 60, has been a director of CIGNA Corporation since January 2009. He has served as Chief Operating Officer of Visa Inc. (consumer credit company) and Interim President of VISA USA since July 2007. He joined VISA USA in October 1999 and has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Inovant since November 2000. His term as a director expires in April 2012. Before joining Visa, Partridge served as the senior vice president of program management and chief information officer for UNUM Corporation, a disability insurance company in Portland, Maine. At UNUM, Partridge had enterprise-wide responsibility for managing technological capability. Before joining UNUM, Partridge managed all systems, operations and consumer banking for Banco de Credito del Peru in Lima. His earlier career included 10 years with Wells Fargo Bank. Partridge has a B.S. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley.