Dan Beattiejoin Clark Hill as a member of the Government and Public Affairs Group in early June 2008. Beattie has served as Director for the State of Michigan Washington Office for Governor Jennifer M. Granholm. He is the principal manager and strategist of Michigan’s federal and interstate affairs, advocating the state’s interests before Congress, the federal administration, and its administrative agencies. He has held that position since 2005, during a period of intense economic challenge for the state that required state-federal collaboration on manufacturing, trade, energy, health care, transportation, work force and business development issues. Prior to joining the state of Michigan Washington office, Beattie worked as a legislative assistant, legislative director and ultimately Chief of Staff to US Representative John D. Dingell (D-MI). In addition to his administrative duties, Beattie provided legislative, strategic and political advice on a variety of issues important to the Congressman’s constituents in southeast lower Michigan. He assisted the Congressman in passing several pieces of environmental conservation, firearms, and historic preservation legislation and advancing federal projects in various Michigan communities Beattie earned his M.A. from Georgetown University and his B.A. from Indiana University.