Business Positions
Brooklyn Cat Cafe
Non-profit cat cafe and animal shelter in Brooklyn, NY
Board Memberships
World Without Exploitation
Anti-Sex-Trafficking advocacy group
Heights Advisors
Real estate and social impact development firm
Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition
Brooklyn-based animal shelter
Citizen’s Committee for Children
New York City's oldest city-based, multi-issue child advocacy organization.
Brooklyn Legal Services
Pro bono law agency
Sanctuary for Families
New York-based service provider and advocate for survivors of domestic violence, sex trafficking and related forms of gender violence
New Abolitionists
Anti-Human Trafficking group
Government Positions
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
International non-governmental organization opposing sex work (human trafficking, prostitution, and other forms of commercial sex)
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House
Community-based organization that serves people in need on the East Side of Manhattan
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
International non-governmental organization opposing sex work (human trafficking, prostitution, and other forms of commercial sex)
Miscellaneous Relationships
Sanctuary for Families
New York-based service provider and advocate for survivors of domestic violence, sex trafficking and related forms of gender violence
Tompkins County Task Force for Battered Women
Provider of domestic and sexual violence services in Tompkins County, NY