Bette is the Principal at Words and Bytes. Previously, Bette has served as Vice President of CPR, the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, in New York. Ms. Shifman has experience in international law and dispute resolution, including positions at the International Court of Justice, and at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). Ms. Shifman is a former general editor of the Journal of International Arbitration and World Trade and Arbitration Materials, and has served as special consultant to Kluwer Law International’s international arbitration database and web portal. Ms. Shifman is also an accredited mediator (CEDR), and holds a master’s degree in information science with a focus on the digital information lifecycle. Prior to joining DLA Piper, Ms. Shifman was Executive Director of ADR Chambers in Toronto, also heading the ADR Chambers Banking Ombuds Office. Her previous legal experience includes positions in New York, Amsterdam, Brussels and Kinshasa.