Art Samberg is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pequot Capital Management. Prior to establishing Pequot Capital, Mr. Samberg served as the President of Dawson-Samberg Capital Management where he established the first Pequot investment fund in 1986. He spun the Pequot series of hedge funds out of Dawson Samberg in January 1999, creating PCMI. Prior to joining Dawson, Mr. Samberg was an employee and partner at Weiss, Peck & Greer, Inc. and served as a member of their Management Committee. Art holds a S.B. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he serves as a Member of the MIT Corporation and as Vice Chairman of the MIT Investment Company. He also received a M.S. from Stanford University and an M.B.A. from Columbia University where he sits on the Board of Overseers of the Business School and is a member of its Board of Overseers’ Executive Committee. Mr. Samberg is also on the Board of Directors Historic Hudson Valley, on the New York-Presbyterian Board of Trustees and its Executive and Investment Committees, and serves as Chairman of the Jacob Burns Film Center. Other philanthropic affiliations include the Board of College Summit, the National Board of Directors of the National Foundation For Teaching Entrepreneurship, the Board of Overseers at the Children's Hospital of New York, and a partner of Birthright Israel.