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Mr. Lukomnik is managing partner of Sinclair Capital LLC, where he has consulted to Fortune 100 companies and to a number of the world’s largest institutional investors, with aggregate assets of more than $500 billion Mr. Lukomnik served as investment advisor to the New York City Pension Funds and is a Trustee for the Van Eck family of mutual funds. In all, he has been the investment advisor or Trustee for more than $100 billion in assets A recognized corporate governance expert, Mr. Lukomnik served as Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committees for AutoEurope, Sears Canada, and the Van Eck family of mutual funds. He just finished more than a decade as Executive Director of the IRRC Institute. He was honored three times by the National Association of Corporate Directors, as well as by the International Corporate Governance Network. He was a governance consultant to the International Finance Corporate of the World Bank Mr. Lukomnik is a member of the Deloitte Audit Quality Advisory Committee and the Standing Advisory Group to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Mr. Lukomnik has turnaround expertise, having served on the creditors’ committee which brought WorldCom out of bankruptcy. As a member of the Sears Canada Board of Directors, he helped see that retailer through the global financial crisis of 2008 to 2009
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