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Thorbjørn Knudsen Ph.d. Professor, Department of Marketing & Management Professor, Strategic Organizational Design Phone 66155129, 65503148 Email Campusvej 55 5230 Odense M Denmark 19972021 Overview Fingerprint Network Personal profile Curriculum CV Thorbjørn Knudsen Name: Thorbjørn Knudsen Present position: Professor and research leader, Strategic Organization Design Unit (SOD) Department of Marketing and Management, University of Southern Denmark SOD-url: Co-director Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) University of Southern Denmark, DIAS-url: Education • University of Southern Denmark, Diploma in Economics, 1/7/1994. • University of Southern Denmark, PhD, Business Economics, 2/8/1999. Current and most recent positions held • 2010 – Co-Director Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS), University of Southern Denmark • 2005 – Research leader, Strategic Organization Design Unit (SOD), University of Southern Denmark • 2005 – Professor, Strategic Organization Design, University of Southern Denmark • 2004 – 2005 Professor, Marketing Strategy, University of Southern Denmark • 2001 – 2004 Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark Academic awards and honors • Chairman of Hans Christian Andersen Academy, University of Southern Denmark ( • Tietgenprisen 2003. • Statoil Research Award 2001. • Den Fynske Fond for Erhvervsøkonomisk Forsknings Forskerpris i 1999. • Kraks Blå Bog Teaching • MBA, EMBA and Master of Science in Strategy and Organization Theory, Statistics. • PhD-courses on strategy and organization. • Supervision of over 50 master theses. Management Experience and Scientific Research Leadership In 2005, I was employed as professor and Research Leader of the Strategic Organization Design Unit (SOD) at the University of Southern Denmark. Since 2005, I have used my international network to build a dynamic research environment that has attracted a number of young international researchers. Today, the SOD unit includes 14 employees of which six are international scholars with PhD’s from institutions such as London Business School and University of Cambridge. Our team also includes three international affiliated researchers, Prof. Tobias Kretschmer, LMU, Prof. Massimo Warglien, University of Venice, and Ass. Prof. Kannan Srikanth, ISB. (See The SOD unit has a very lively international seminar program and has been a host to numerous international PhDs, some of which have based the bulk of their thesis on results obtained in collaboration with researchers in my unit. SOD is now recognized as a leading international environment for research in organization design. Management Experience Related to Funded Research (total approximately 3,750,000 Euros): • 2014 –2019 PI and Sapere Aude Advanced Grant (Topforsker) awarded by The Danish Council for Independent Research, Social Sciences (FSE). 1,400,000 Euros. • 2013 PI for ERC Advanced grant, made it through to the 2nd evaluation round. • 2009 –2013 PI for First Danish International Elite research unit awarded by The Danish Council for Independent Research, Social Sciences (FSE). The Danish Council for Independent Research, Social Sciences (FSE). 1,075,000 Euros. • 2011–2014 PI for Elite Research Unit in Strategic Organizational Design. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark. 672,000 Euros. • 2011–2013 RISK. Partner in the consortium “Risk Management in Extended Enterprises”. Partners include three small and three large (Alfa Laval, Lego, Nordea) Danish firms, the Danish Technological Institute, and researchers from the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation. 81,000 Euros. For Work-Package on relation organization and strategic risk. • 2005–2008 Co-applicant (with Nicolai Juul Foss and Torben Pedersen, CBS) in “Foundations of Knowledge Sharing: Behaviors and Governance”.The Danish Council for Independent Research, Social Sciences (FSE). 470,000 Euros. • 2003-2006: Partner in “Emergence and Growth of Firms in Information Intensive and International Environments.” (PI: prof. Tage Koed Madsen, SDU). The Danish Council for Independent Research, Social Sciences (FSE). 242,000 Euros. • 2000-2003: Participant in “Emergence and Growth of Firms in Information Intensive and International Environments.” (PI: prof. Tage Koed Madsen, SDU). The Danish Council for Independent Research, Social Sciences (FSE). 403,000 Euros. • 2000-2003: Participant in "Learning, Incentives, and Knowledge" (PI: prof. Nicolai Foss, CBS), The Danish Council for Independent Research, Social Sciences (FSE). 806,000 Euros. Scientific Qualifications and Professional activities: • Senior Editor Organization Science. (ISI impact factor 4.34). • Editorial Review Board of Strategic Management Journal. (ISI impact factor 3.78). • Editorial Review Board of Academy of Management Journal. (ISI impact factor 5.61). • Associate of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS). (ISI impact factor 25.06). • Associate Editor, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. ( • Trustee for the Journal of Institutional Economics (JOIE), Cambridge University Press. • Reviewer for Research Councils, including the European Research Council (ERC), the Dutch Social Science Research Council (MAGW) and the Dutch Council for the Earth and Life Sciences (ALW). • Regular reviewing for the field’s top journal: Organization Science, Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, and Administrative Science Quarterly. On a more infrequent basis reviewing for leading journals in economics, sociology, and probability theory. Scientific focus areas Economic evolution. Organizational adaptation. Organization design. International relations and research collaboration • I have a large active international network and ongoing collaborative interactions with academic research groups at INSEAD Singapore, London Business School, LMU-Munich, University of Venice, University of Warwick, the Wharton School and elsewhere. Out of my 59 total of peer-reviewed publications in international journals, I have co-authored more than 25 publications together with more than 15 different external collaborators, including leading scholars such as Howard E. Aldrich, Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Daniel A. Levinthal, James G. March, and Sidney G. Winter. • Invited lectures or seminars at many international institutions including Cornell University, London Business School, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Stanford University, and the Wharton School. • I have hired a number of researchers from leading international academic institutions that are part of my network. Examples include Markus C, Becker from CNRS, Daniel Newark from Stanford University, Sangyoon Yi from Stephen M. Ross School of Management, University of Michigan, Stephan Billinger, Kannan Srikanth and Murali Swamy from London Business School. • Visiting professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Santa Fe Institute, Stanford University, and the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. • Co-founder – with prof. Jerker Denrell, University of Warwick – of the TOM society for mathematical models in organizations science. This society promotes research and knowledge dissemination relating to the use of mathematical models in strategy, management, and organization science. Yearly meetings at Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, include most leading scholars in the field. • From 2012, invited member of Strategy Research Initiative (SRI) ( Supervision of PhD students and Postdocs • I have supervised PhD-courses on strategy and organization. • From 2013, invited faculty member for the “Emerging Scholars Workshop: Evolutionary Perspectives on Strategic Management” organized by Dan Levinthal and the Mack Center, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. • Supervisor or co-supervisor of 10 PhD theses. Conference Organization Co-organizer of numerous international conferences, workshops and seminars, including the Twelfth Organization Science Winter Conference, February 2006. Organizer of 5 international conferences sponsored by the Danish Social Sciences Research Council. Member and co-founder of the TOM (Theoretical Organization Models) society and the Organizational Design Community (ODC). Both TOM and ODC organizes a yearly workshop for the leaders in the respective fields. Member of governing board for DRUID ( Invited Lectures Invited lecturer or seminar presenter at many institutions including Copenhagen Business School, Cornell University, London Business School, IMD, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Stanford University, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (School of Architecture), and the Wharton School. Visiting professor Santa Fe Institute, University of Venice, Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Publication summary Thorbjørn Knudsen is author on 74 publications, averaging more than 5 per year since first publication. His current accepted and published works are 59 publications in peer-reviewed international journals, 2 research monographs, and 13 book chapters. For articles in peer-reviewed international journals, his current H-index is 25 and his normalized H-index is 2 (h-index divided by the number of years since first publication). PUBLICATIONS SELECTED WORKS • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2014), with Daniel A. Levinthal and Sidney G. Winter, “Hidden but in Plain Sight: The Role of Scale Adjustment in Industry Dynamics”, Forthcoming, Strategic Management Journal. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2014), with Kannan Srikanth, “Coordinated Exploration: Organizing Joint Search by Multiple Specialists to Overcome Mutual Confusion and Joint Myopia”, Forthcoming, Administrative Science Quarterly. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2010) with Michael Christensen, "Design of Decision Making Organizations", Management Science, 56(1), pp. 71-89. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2010) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson: Darwin’s Conjecture: The Search for General Principles of Social and Economic Evolution. Chicago: Chicago University Press. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson: “Information, complexity and generative replication”, Biology & Philosophy, Vol. 23: pp. 47–65. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2007), with Daniel A. Levinthal, “Two Faces of Search: Alternative Generation and Alternative Evaluation”, Organization Science, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 39–54. COMPREHENSIVE LIST Articles in refereed academic journals • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2014), with Kannan Srikanth, “Coordinated Exploration: Organizing Joint Search by Multiple Specialists to Overcome Mutual Confusion and Joint Myopia”, Forthcoming, Administrative Science Quarterly. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2014), with Daniel A. Levinthal and Sidney G. Winter, “Hidden but in Plain Sight: The Role of Scale Adjustment in Industry Dynamics”, Forthcoming, Strategic Management Journal. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2014), with Mie Augier and Robert M. McNabb, “Advancing the field of organizations through the study of military organizations”, Forthcoming, Industrial and Corporate Change. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2013) with Michael Christensen, “How Decisions Can Be Organized - and Why It Matters”, 2(3), pp. 41-50. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2012) with Phanish Puranam and Marlo Raveendram, “Organization Design: The Epistemic Interdependence Perspective”, Academy of Management Review: 37(3), pp. 419-440. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2012) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson, “Generalized Darwinism and Evolutionary Economics: From Ontology to Theory”, Biological Theory: Biological Theory, published online. DOI 10.1007/s13752-012-0043-5. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2012) with Markus Becker and Richard Swedberg, “Schumpeter’s theory of economic development: 100 years of development”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics: Forthcoming. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2012) with Teppo Felin, “A Theory of Nascent Entrepreneurship and Organization”, Managerial and Decision Economics: 33, pp. 409-26. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2012), with Nils Stieglitz and Sangyoon Yi, “Structure, Skill, and Ambition in Organizational Problem-Solving”, For the Garbage Can Model Anniversary volume edited by Richard Harrison and Alessandro Lomi, Research in the Sociology of Organizations Vol. 36, pp 319 - 345. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2012), with Massimo Warglien and Sangyoon Yi, “Garbage Can in the Lab”, For the Garbage Can Model Anniversary volume edited by Richard Harrison and Alessandro Lomi Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 36, pp 189 - 227. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2012) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson, "Agreeing on generalised Darwinism: a response to Pavel Pelikan”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics: 22(1), pp. 9-18 • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2011) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson, "Underqualified – maximal generality in Darwinian explanation”, Biology and Philosophy (forthcoming). • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2011) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson, “Poverty of stimulus and absence of cause: some questions for Felin and Foss”, Journal of Institutional Economics, 7(2), Pp. 295-298 • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2010) with Michael Christensen, "Design of Decision Making Organizations", Management Science, 56(1), 71-89. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2009) with Richard Swedberg, "Capitalist Entrepreneurship: Making Profit through the Unmaking of Economic Orders", Capitalism and Society, 4(2), pp. 1–26. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2009) with Markus Becker and Nils Stieglitz, "Strategic Focus and The Quest For Temporary Advantage”, Academy of Management Proceedings. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008) with Michael Christensen, "Entry and Exit Decision in Flexible Teams", Journal of International Business Studies, 39, pp. 1278–1292. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008) with Howard E. Aldrich, Geoffrey M. Hodgson, David L. Hull, Joel Mokyr, and Viktor J. Vanberg "I In defence of generalized Darwinism ", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18, pp. 577-596. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson, "In Search of General Evolutionary Principles: Why Darwinism is Too Important to be Left to the Biologists", Journal of Bioeconomics, 10:51–69 • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson, “The Emergence of Property Rights Enforcement in Early Trade: A Behavioral Model Without Reputational Effects”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 68, pp. 48–62. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008), “Reference Groups and Variable Risk Strategies”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 66, pp. 22–36. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson: “Information, complexity and generative replication”, Biology & Philosophy, Vol. 23: pp. 47–65. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2007) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson, “Evolutionary Theorizing Beyond Lamarckism: a reply to Richard Nelson”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 17(3), pp. 353-359. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2007) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson, “Capabilities, Learning and the Nature of the Firm”, Revue Economique, 2(58), pp. 331-350. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2007), with Daniel A. Levinthal, “Two Faces of Search: Alternative Generation and Alternative Evaluation”, Organization Science, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 39–54. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2006), with Mie Augier and Michael G. Jacobides, “Benefiting From Innovation: Value Creation, Value Appropriation, and the Role of Industry Architetcures”, Research Policy, Vol. 35, pp. 1200–1221. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2006) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson. “The Nature and Units of Social Selection”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 16, pp. 477–489. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2006) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson. “Dismantling Lamarckism: Why Descriptions of Socio-Economic Evolution as Lamarckian are Misleading”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 16, pp. 343–366. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2006) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson: “Why We Need a Generalized Darwinism: And Why Generalized Darwinism is Not Enough”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 61, 1–19. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2006) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson: “Cultural Evolution is more than Neurological Evolution”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 356-357. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2006), with Markus C. Becker and James G. March, “Schumpeter, Winter, and the Sources of Novelty”, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 353–371. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2006) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson: “Balancing Inertia, Innovation, and Imitation in Complex Environments” Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 287-295. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2005) with Markus C. Becker: “Joseph A. Schumpeter: Development.” Translation. Journal of Economic Literature, XLIII(1), 112-120. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2005) with Markus C. Becker, Hans Ulrich Eßlinger, and Ulrich Hedtke: “Development” Journal of Economic Literature, XLIII(1), 108-111. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2005) with Mie Augier: “Organizations, Past, Present and Future: Introduction” Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 21, 367– 372. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2005): “On the Common Ontology of Biological and Socio-Economic Systems” Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik, Vol. 16, pp. 395-397. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2004) with Markus C. Becker: “The Role of Routines in Reducing Pervasive Uncertainty” Journal of Business Research, Vol. 58, 746– 757. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2004) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson: “The Complex Evolution of a Simple Traffic Convention: The Functions and Implications of Habit.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 54, 19-47. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2004) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson. “The Firm as an Interactor: Firms as Vehicles for Habits and Routines” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 14, No. 3, 281-307. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2004): “General Selection Theory and Economic Evolution. The Price Equation and the Genotype/ Phenotype Distinction” Journal of Economic Methodology, Vol. 11(2), 147–173. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2004): “Economic Evolution without Variation, Selection and Retention?” Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik, Vol. 15, pp. 75-78. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2004), with Mie Augier, “The Architecture and Design of the Knowledge Organization”, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 8(4), 6-20. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2003) with Markus C. Becker: “The entrepreneur at a crucial juncture in Schumpeter's work: Schumpeter's 1928 handbook entry Entrepreneur.” Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol. 6, 199-234. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2003) with Markus C. Becker: “Joseph A. Schumpeter: Unternehmer.” Translation. Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol. 6, 235-266. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2003) with Nicolai J. Foss: “The Resource-Based Tangle: Towards a Sustainable Explanation of Competitive Advantage.” Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 24: 291-307. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2003): “Simon's Selection Theory: Why Docility Evolves to Breed Successful Altruism.” Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 24, 229-244. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2003) with Bo Eriksen: "Industry and Firm Level Interaction: Implications for Profitability" Journal of Business Research, Vol. 56, No. 3, 191-199. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2002): “Economic Selection Theory.” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 12, 443-470. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2002): "The Evolution of Cooperation in Structured Populations." Constitutional Political Economy, Vol. 13, 129-148. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2002): “The Significance of Tacit Knowledge in the Evolution of Human Language”, Selection, Vol. 3, No. 1, 93-112. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2002) with Tage Koed Madsen: “Export Research: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective,” Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 18, 475-502. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2002) with Markus C. Becker: "Schumpeter 1911: Farsighted Visions of Economic Development." American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 61, No. 2, 387-403. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2002) with Markus C. Becker: “Joseph A. Schumpeter: Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.” Translation of excerpts of chapter 2 and chapter 7. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 61, No. 2, 405-437. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2001): “Zipf's Law for Cities and Beyond: The Case of Denmark” American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 60, No. 1, 123-146. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2001) with Tage Koed Madsen: “Improving the Firm's Environmental Conduct: A Source of Competitive Advantage?” Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 9, 129-144. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2001) with John Pepper: “Selection without Multiple Replicators?” Pepper, J.W. and Knudsen, T.: Selection Without Multiple Replicators? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol.24, No. 3, June, 550. Special issues in refereed academic journals • Knudsen, Thorbjørn with Mie Augier and Kristian Kreiner (eds.): "Organizations, Past, Present and Future" Special issue in the honour of the work of James G. March, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 21. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn with Rabah Amir and James Bergin (eds.): "Evolutionary Game Theory 2000." Special issue of International Game Theory Review, Vol. 5, No. 3 (September 2003). Books • Knudsen, Thorbjørn with Markus C. Becker and Richard Swedberg (2011): The Entrepreneur. Classical Texts by Joseph Schumpeter. Stanford University Press. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn with Geoffrey M. Hodgson (2010): Darwin’s Conjecture: The Search for General Principles of Social and Economic Evolution. Chicago: Chicago University Press. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2002) with Søren Askegaard and Niels Jørgensen (eds.): Perspectives on Marketing Relationships. Copenhagen: Thomson Book Chapters • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2012) with Mie Augier, “The Architecture and Management of Knowledge in Organizations”, for The Handbook of Economics and Knowledge, edited by Richard Arena, Agnes Festre, and Nathalie Lazaric. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 435-457. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2012) with Markus C. Becker, “Nelson and Winter Revisited”, for the Handbook on the Economics and Theory of the Firm, edited by Michael Dietrich and Jackie Krafft. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 243-255. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2009) with Markus C. Becker, “Schumpeter and the Organization of Entrepreneurship”, for The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies: Classical Foundations, edited by Paul S. Adler. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 307-326. (Paperback 2010). • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2009) with Michael Christensen, “The Architecture of Knowledge Organization”, Knowledge Governance. Processes and Perspectives, edited by Nicolai J. Foss and Snejina Michailova. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 47-80. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008), “Organizational Routines in Evolutionary Theory”, for The Handbook of Organizational Routines, edited by Markus Becker. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 125-151. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008) with Markus Becker and James G. March, “Schumpeter, Winter, and the Sources of Novelty” reprint, March, James G. (ed.): Explorations in Organizations. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 147-166. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008) with Geoffrey M. Hodgson, ‘Why We Need a Generalized Darwinism: and Why a Generalized Darwinism is Not Enough”, reprint, Witt, Ulrich (ed.): Recent Developments In Evolutionary Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 424-438. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2008) with Michael Christensen, “The Architecture of Knowledge Organization”, Foss, N.J. and Michaelova, S. (eds.) Knowledge Governance: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives, Oxford University Press (forthcoming). • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2005), “An Economics-Based Logic for Marketing” The Service Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate, and Directions (eds. Lusch & Vargo). New York: M.E.Sharpe, pp. 302-306. • Knudsen, T. (2003). "A Neo-Darwinian Model of Science. " In: Jensen, H. S., Richter, L. M., and Vendelø, M. T. (eds.) The Evolution of Scientific Knowledge. Chelterham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 79-119. • Knudsen, T. (2002) with Tage Koed Madsen, Erik Rasmussen, and Per Servais. International Market Strategies in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. In Knudsen, T., Askegaard, S. and Jørgensen, N. (eds.): Perspectives on Marketing Relationships. Copenhagen: Thomson, 107-124. • Knudsen, T. (2001), "Nesting Lamarckism within Darwinian Explanations: Necessity in Economics and Possibility in Biology?" In Nightingale, J. and Laurent, J., (eds.): Darwinism and Evolutionary Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 121-259. • Knudsen, T. (2001), "Zipf's Law for Cities and Beyond: The Case of Denmark" In Moss, L., (ed.): City and Country: An Interdisciplinary Collection, New York: Blackwell, 221-259. Book Reviews • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2011), “Handbook of Research on Complexity” (J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. and Kirby L. Cramer, eds.), Organization Studies, Vol. 14(20) ( • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2005), “Genetic and Cultural Evolution” (Peter Hammerstein, ed.), Organization Studies, Vol. 26(2), 313-317. Pipeline • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2014), with Daniel A. Levinthal and Sidney G. Winter, “Geroski Problem”, Work in progress. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2014), with Nils Stieglitz, “Corporate Search: Exploration and Exploitation in experimental diversification”, 2nd round of revision (Strategic Management Journal). • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2014), with Markus Becker & Sangyoon Yi, “Routines and Organizational Change: Inertia as a Hidden Source of Variation”, 2nd round of revision (Organization Science). • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2013), with Nils Stieglitz, “Bilateral lack of information: A critical determinant of trading and profitability in strategic factor markets”, Work in progress. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2013), with Nils Stieglitz and Sangyoon Yi, “Hierarchical Participation Constraints for Adaptive Learning and Coordination”, Work in progress. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2013), with Ulrik W. Nash and Nils Stieglitz, “Great Minds Think Alike, and Fools Seldom Differ: A Theory on the Moments of Firm Performance Distributions”, Work in progress. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2013), with Markus C. Becker and Nils Stieglitz, “Commitment and flexibility in turbulent business environments”, 1st round of revision (Strategic Management Journal). • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2013), with Markus C. Becker and Nils Stieglitz, “Getting Out of the Old and Getting into the New: How Firms Benefit from Changing Market Conditions”, Work in progress. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2013), with Kannan Srikanth, “Profiting from Organization”, 1st round of revision (Organization Science). • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2013), with Sidney G. Winter, “The Game of Lunch”, Work in progress. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2012) with Jade Maneja and Mette Præst Knudsen, ”Unfolding Industry Dynamics”, Work in progress. • Knudsen, Thorbjørn (2011), with Daniel A. Levinthal, “Development”, Work in progress. Research areas • Strategic Organization • Decision making in organizations • Economic evolution Strategic Organization Design: Research Agenda Three topics provide the rough contours of the relevant map for our research: 1) Strategic design of organizations, including mathematical modeling of organizations 2) Strategic organization of search, learning and innovation 3) Strategic organization of business processes, value chains and networks These three topics offer a broad range of research opportunities. We define a focused agenda that addresses some, but obviously far from all of the possible research opportunities suggested by these three topics. Our research agenda is motivated by important and interesting unsolved research questions. We start from the observation that there is fairly little research about the relation between organization design and performance. Presently, our field has little knowledge about the way organization design can help firms profit from well structured interaction of employees. Our research aims to fill this gap in our knowledge by engaging in theoretical and empirical work that uncovers the relation between organization design and performance. Our research is aimed at exploring how the structure of an organization – its incentive systems and coordination mechanisms – influences individual action and its aggregation into organizational performance. Individuals act, but we are most concerned with organizational outcomes. The purpose of organization is to influence the aggregation of individual decisions and actions into desirable behaviors at the collective level. The concept of aggregation is used here as a shorthand term for collective effects emerging from rather complex patterns of interaction and interplay among individual agents. The organization of individual decisions and actions into desirable behaviors at the collective level is of critical importance in the present day. For example, the organization design of intelligence agencies affects the quality of country level intelligence assessments. This is because organization design determines the efficiency with which information gathered by individual agents is aggregated into a country level intelligence assessment. In much the same way, the gathering and spread of information about customers and competitors affects the way the business organization relates to its market. Organization design has a critical strategic dimension because it creates value from combining individual resources. Accordingly: The purpose of our research is to understand how strategic organization design impacts organizational outcomes by influencing aggregation of individual behavior. While we have a fair understanding of individual behavior as well as organizational interactions with the institutional environment, we lack a theory of aggregation – how individual actions aggregate into organizational outcomes. Our unit aims to pursue a research program aimed at studying this gap in our understanding. Our research aims to fill a lacuna in strategic management. The first theories in strategic management focused on positioning – how to pick markets and how to position the firm in markets in order to achieve competitive advantage. The second wave of theories (Resource Based View) emphasized the role of a firm’s resources to achieve competitive advantage: the firm’s role is to pick resources rather than market positions. The third wave of theories (Knowledge Based View/ Dynamic Capabilities View) suggests that the most important role of the firm is adaptation: its ability to leverage and reconfigure resources and market positions rather than to pick them. However, these theories are in general silent about how exactly adaptation capabilities are developed. In particular we see the following shortcomings. First, there are no clear behavioral foundations – how is individual adaptive behavior linked to firm level adaptation? Second, there are no clear dynamics – how do outcomes at the individual and collective levels feedback into further adaptation? Third, there is little formalization or empirical validation of the micro-foundations of adaptation or capability development. We believe that understanding aggregation – the manner of cumulating individual efforts at search, learning and adaptation into organizational outcomes is the key to understand firm performance. The research undertaken by the unit shifts focus of scholarship from strategic action to strategic organization – i.e., moving from picking positions, resources etc., to enabling organizational learning and adaptation. The proposed contribution is to develop theories that help us fundamentally understand how organization design shapes aggregation and impacts organizational performance. Research information • Strategic organization • Decision making in organizations • Economic evolution Strategic Organization Design: Research Agenda Three topics provide the rough contours of the relevant map for our research: 1) Strategic design of organizations, including mathematical modeling of organizations 2) Strategic organization of search, learning and innovation 3) Strategic organization of business processes, value chains and networks These three topics offer a broad range of research opportunities. We define a focused agenda that addresses some, but obviously far from all of the possible research opportunities suggested by these three topics. Our research agenda is motivated by important and interesting unsolved research questions. We start from the observation that there is fairly little research about the relation between organization design and performance. Presently, our field has little knowledge about the way organization design can help firms profit from well structured interaction of employees. Our research aims to fill this gap in our knowledge by engaging in theoretical and empirical work that uncovers the relation between organization design and performance. Our research is aimed at exploring how the structure of an organization – its incentive systems and coordination mechanisms – influences individual action and its aggregation into organizational performance. Individuals act, but we are most concerned with organizational outcomes. The purpose of organization is to influence the aggregation of individual decisions and actions into desirable behaviors at the collective level. The concept of aggregation is used here as a shorthand term for collective effects emerging from rather complex patterns of interaction and interplay among individual agents. The organization of individual decisions and actions into desirable behaviors at the collective level is of critical importance in the present day. For example, the organization design of intelligence agencies affects the quality of country level intelligence assessments. This is because organization design determines the efficiency with which information gathered by individual agents is aggregated into a country level intelligence assessment. In much the same way, the gathering and spread of information about customers and competitors affects the way the business organization relates to its market. Organization design has a critical strategic dimension because it creates value from combining individual resources. Accordingly: The purpose of our research is to understand how strategic organization design impacts organizational outcomes by influencing aggregation of individual behavior. While we have a fair understanding of individual behavior as well as organizational interactions with the institutional environment, we lack a theory of aggregation – how individual actions aggregate into organizational outcomes. Our unit aims to pursue a research program aimed at studying this gap in our understanding. Our research aims to fill a lacuna in strategic management. The first theories in strategic management focused on positioning – how to pick markets and how to position the firm in markets in order to achieve competitive advantage. The second wave of theories (Resource Based View) emphasized the role of a firm’s resources to achieve competitive advantage: the firm’s role is to pick resources rather than market positions. The third wave of theories (Knowledge Based View/ Dynamic Capabilities View) suggests that the most important role of the firm is adaptation: its ability to leverage and reconfigure resources and market positions rather than to pick them. However, these theories are in general silent about how exactly adaptation capabilities are developed. In particular we see the following shortcomings. First, there are no clear behavioral foundations – how is individual adaptive behavior linked to firm level adaptation? Second, there are no clear dynamics – how do outcomes at the individual and collective levels feedback into further adaptation? Third, there is little formalization or empirical validation of the micro-foundations of adaptation or capability development. We believe that understanding aggregation – the manner of cumulating individual efforts at search, learning and adaptation into organizational outcomes is the key to understand firm performance. The research undertaken by the unit shifts focus of scholarship from strategic action to strategic organization – i.e., moving from picking positions, resources etc., to enabling organizational learning and adaptation. The proposed contribution is to develop theories that help us fundamentally understand how organization design shapes aggregation and impacts organizational performance.
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