Bas ter Weel Bas has a account Managing Director SEO Amsterdam Economics and Professor of Economics University of Amsterdam Amsterdam Area, Netherlands 500+ connections Contact info SEO Economisch Onderzoek Maastricht University School of Business and Economics About Bas ter Weel is managing director at SEO Amsterdam Economics and professor of economics at the University of Amsterdam. In addition, he holds several other positions in research, policy and supervision. After completing his PhD at Maastricht University, he worked as an assistant professor in the department of economics at the same university (2002-2006). By the end of 2006 he moved to the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and transferred to the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) by the end of 2007. He became head of the department of international economics (2007-2010) and the department of labour and education (2010-2013). From October 2013 onwards he served as CPB's deputy (and acting) director, a position he held until September 2016. After leaving Maastricht University in 2006 he maintained close ties with the university, which resulted in a parttime position as a senior researcher (2006-2011). Later on he became a full professor in the department of economics (2011-2016). Next to his main working activities he serves amongst others as a crown member to the Social Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), a member of the supervisory board of a large primary education organization in Apeldoorn, a board member of the Royal Netherlands Economic Association (KVS) and co-editor of De Economist, one of the oldest academic journals in the profession. Finally, he is a research fellow at a number of research schools, such as the Tinbergen Institute (Amsterdam) and IZA (Bonn). More detailed information about his work and other activities and positions can be found at (in English) and/or (in Dutch). Articles 1,560 followers KVS Lezing: Wat betekenen Trump en Brexit voor de internationale economie? Bas’ profile photo Bas ter Weel Published on LinkedIn 29 mei De Balie in Amsterdam Met de woorden ‘America first!’ verklaarde Donald Trump de oorlog aan internationale handel. Een jaar na zijn overwinning kunnen we voorzichtig concluderen dat dit geen loze woorden waren. Tegelijkertijd vond er op Europees gebied ook een grote verschuiving plaats: het vertrek van Groot-Brittannië uit de Europese Unie. Welke gevolgen hebben deze recente ontwikkelingen voor de internationale economie en handelsrelaties? En waarom is protectionisme zo in opkomst in de Westerse wereld? Op 29 mei zijn deze grote veranderingen onderwerp van gesprek. Harry Garretsen, hoogleraar International Economics & Business aan de RUG zal dit jaar de KVS Lezing houden. Laura van Geest, directeur van het CPB, en Nienke Oomes, hoofd internationale economie van SEO Economisch Onderzoek, reflecteren op de lezing waarna een debat volgt. Waar komt het protectionistische sentiment van Brexit en ‘America First’ vandaan? Wat betekent het voor de internationale handel en economie, en wat staat ons nog te wachten? Harry Garretsen is hoogleraar International Economics and Business aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). Garretsen is gespecialiseerd in macro- en internationale economie en tevens expert op het gebied van leiderschap. Hij mengt zich niet alleen via zijn academische werk in de discussie over bijvoorbeeld globalisering en politiek leiderschap, maar ook geregeld via opiniebijdrages in de Groene Amsterdammer, Trouw, NRC Handelsblad en Het Financieele Dagblad. In het verleden was hij plaatsvervangend kroonlid van de SER. Thans is hij lid van de Bankraad van De Nederlandsche Bank, lid van de Raad van Commissarissen van het Waarborgfonds Sociale Woningbouw, visiting research fellow aan de University of Cambridge, member van St. Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge, en research fellow aan CESifo Institute München. Laura van Geest is directeur van het Centraal Planbureau (CPB). Zij is verantwoordelijk voor de ramingen van de Nederlandse economie. In het Centraal Economisch Plan van afgelopen maart waarschuwt zij voor de gevolgen van de Brexit: “Belangrijk is en blijft dat de overheden van de EU en het VK, maar ook bedrijven, zich voorbereiden op de periode na de daadwerkelijke Brexit. Dit betekent investeren in zaken als extra infrastructuur, grensbewakers en informatievertrekking aan bedrijven. Vooral Nederland met havenstad Rotterdam zal moeten investeren. Sommige bedrijven gaan op zoek gaan naar andere (afzet)markten. Hoe eerder wordt gestart, hoe meer kans op bescherming tegen negatieve effecten van een cliff edge.” Voordat Van Geest bij het CPB aantrad werkte ze in verschillende functies bij het ministerie van Financiën, onder andere als directeur-generaal Rijksbegroting en Thesaurier generaal. Nienke Oomes is hoofd internationale economie van SEO Economisch Onderzoek. Oomes doet onderzoek op het gebied van economisch beleid en structurele hervormingen in markteconomieën en ontwikkelingslanden. Voorafgaande aan haar aanstelling bij SEO was ze werkzaam als hoofdeconoom bij de European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Londen, waar zij verantwoordelijk was voor landenstrategie, economische analyse en beleidsevaluaties. Van 2001-10 werkte zij bij het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (IMF), waar zij IMF-missies en landenteams leidde en overheden in Afrika, Europa en de voormalige Sovjetunie adviseerde op het gebied van macro-economisch beleid en structurele hervormingen. 5 Likes Like Comment Share See all Experience SEO Economisch Onderzoek Managing Director Company NameSEO Economisch Onderzoek Dates EmployedSep 2016 – Present Employment Duration3 yrs LocationAmsterdam Area, Netherlands SEO Amsterdam Economics was founded in 1949 and is one of the oldest economic research organizations in the Netherlands. Our clients are many and varied: we work for ministries, companies and institutions in the non-profit sector, both nationally and internationally. SEO Amsterdam Economics is an independent organisation. University of Amsterdam Professor of Economics (parttime) Company NameUniversity of Amsterdam Dates EmployedSep 2016 – Present Employment Duration3 yrs LocationAmsterdam Area, Netherlands The University of Amsterdam is one of Europe’s most prominent research-led universities. It is a modern institution with a long and rich history dating from 1632. Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) Company NameSociaal-Economische Raad (SER) Total Duration5 yrs 5 mos TitleCrown Member Dates EmployedJan 2017 – Present Employment Duration2 yrs 8 mos LocationThe Hague Area, Netherlands The Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands advises the Dutch Government and Parliament on key points of social and economic policy. It also undertakes activities arising from governance tasks and self-regulatory matters, and functions as a platform for discussions of social and economic issues. The Council consists of independent ... See more TitleCrown Member - qualitate qua Dates EmployedApr 2014 – Dec 2016 Employment Duration2 yrs 9 mos LocationThe Hague Area, Netherlands The Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands advises the Dutch Government and Parliament on key points of social and economic policy. It also undertakes activities arising from governance tasks and self-regulatory matters, and functions as a platform for discussions of social and economic issues. The Council consists of independent ... See more PCBO Apeldoorn Company NamePCBO Apeldoorn Total Duration4 yrs 8 mos TitleChairman of the Supervisory Board Dates EmployedJan 2019 – Present Employment Duration8 mos LocationApeldoorn Area, Netherlands TitleMember of the Supervisory Board Dates EmployedJan 2015 – Dec 2018 Employment Duration4 yrs LocationApeldoorn Area, Netherlands Centraal Planbureau Company NameCentraal Planbureau Total Duration8 yrs 11 mos TitleDeputy (and acting) Director Dates EmployedOct 2013 – Sep 2016 Employment Duration3 yrs LocationThe Hague Area, Netherlands CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis makes independent economic analyses that are both scientifically sound and up-to-date, and relevant for policymaking in the Netherlands. TitleDepartment Head (International Economics & Labour and Education) Dates EmployedNov 2007 – Oct 2013 Employment Duration6 yrs LocationThe Hague Area, Netherlands CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis makes independent economic analyses that are both scientifically sound and up-to-date, and relevant for policymaking in the Netherlands. Maastricht University School of Business and Economics Company NameMaastricht University School of Business and Economics Total Duration14 yrs 1 mo TitleProfessor of Economics (parttime) Dates EmployedSep 2011 – Sep 2016 Employment Duration5 yrs 1 mo LocationMaastricht Area, Netherlands Maastricht University (UM), the most international university in the Netherlands, stands out for its innovative approach to learning and international outlook. TitleSenior Researcher (parttime) Dates EmployedDec 2006 – Sep 2011 Employment Duration4 yrs 10 mos LocationMaastricht Area, Netherlands Maastricht University (UM), the most international university in the Netherlands, stands out for its innovative approach to learning and international outlook. Show 1 more role Autoriteit Financiële Markten Company NameAutoriteit Financiële Markten Total Duration3 yrs 1 mo TitleAdvisor (parttime) Dates EmployedDec 2007 – Dec 2009 Employment Duration2 yrs 1 mo LocationAmsterdam Area, Netherlands The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) supervises the conduct of all parties that are active on the financial markets in the Netherlands. It also contributes to the proper operation of the financial markets by providing information. TitleEconomist Dates EmployedDec 2006 – Nov 2007 Employment Duration1 yr LocationAmsterdam Area, Netherlands The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) supervises the conduct of all parties that are active on the financial markets in the Netherlands. It also contributes to the proper operation of the financial markets by providing information. Show fewer experiences Education Maastricht University School of Business and Economics Maastricht University School of Business and Economics Degree NamePhD Field Of StudyEconomics Dates attended or expected graduation 1998 – 2002 PhD research on the effects of computerization on employment and wages Maastricht University School of Business and Economics Maastricht University School of Business and Economics Degree NameMA Field Of StudyEconomics Dates attended or expected graduation 1993 – 1998 Main study. Fields of specialization: International economics; labour economics; economics of innovation and new technology Western University Western University Field Of StudyEconomics Dates attended or expected graduation 1998 – 1998 Exchange MA student for one semester at UWO's department of economics. University of Sussex University of Sussex Field Of StudyScience Policy Research Dates attended or expected graduation 1997 – 1997 Internship at SPRU to study the possible effects of taxing data transmission.