Board Memberships
MIT Energy Initiative
MIT's hub for Energy research, education and outreach. Low and zero carbon solutions.
National Academy of Medicine
The nation turns to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies for science-based advice on matters of biomedical science, medicine, and health.
President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Multi-disciplinary group of experts advising the US President on Science and Technology matters
ClimateWorks Foundation
Influential climate-focused philanthropic foundation funded by the likes of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, with heavy presence in geoenegineering funding
MacArthur Foundation
Major private grant-making foundation; based in Chicago
Government Positions
Executive Office of the President Review Team
Obama-Biden Transition Project
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Al Gore
Vice President of the United States 1993-2001
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
John Kerry
68th US Secretary of State, Senator from Massachusetts
Hillary Clinton
US Secretary of State & NY Senator; 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate
Charles A Sanders
Retired Chairman & CEO, GlaxoSmithKline
Ted Kennedy
Former US Senator from Massachusetts
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Public research university in Mexico City, Mexico - the largest university in Latin America