Christopher T. King Senior Research Scientist, Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources Education Ph.D. in Economics, Michigan State University M.A. in Economics, Michigan State University B.A. in Economics, The University of Texas at Austin Research Areas Workforce Development Antipoverty Policy Education Christopher T. King is a lecturer and senior research scientist at the LBJ School of Public Affairs’ Ray Marshall Center, which he directed from 1991 to 2014. He has been researching workforce, education and social policy for more than four decades and received the prestigious Texas Exes Teaching Award in 2007. In 2012, he was selected as one of 20 national leaders in the Aspen Institute’s inaugural class of Ascend Two-Generation Fellows based in part on his work designing CareerAdvance®, Tulsa’s award-winning anti-poverty program, for which he is co-directing a rigorous evaluation with colleagues at Northwestern University. He co-chairs Austin’s Two-Generation Advisory Committee, serves on the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Two-Generation Evidence-Building Advisory Group, and is conducting research for the International Labour Office in Geneva with academics and practitioners around the world. In addition to his two-generation work, he is best known for designing and evaluating leading-edge sectoral and career pathway programs. Dr. King held prior positions as assistant professor of economics at the University of Utah (1973-1976), as an economist with the U.S. Department of Labor (1976-1980) and as director of research and evaluation for job training programs in the Texas Governor’s Office (1983-1985). Recent Publications Sectoral Workforce and Related Strategies: What We Know and What We Need to Know Using Administrative Records for Enhanced Policy Research Estimating Labor Demand and Supply in Texas: How Planning Tools and Data are Used, Final Report Findings on Student Outcomes: Results from an Employer Survey Pilot Project More from the CareerAdvance® Implementation Study: An Update through July 2014 Current Courses Spring 2017 - 61185 - PA680PB - Policy Research Project Fall 2016 - 60515 - PA680PA - Policy Research Project Spring 2016 - 60495 - PA393L - Advanced Policy Economics Fall 2015 - 60100 - PA393K - Applied Microeconomics for Policy Analysis Spring 2015 - 61355 - PA393L - Advanced Policy Economics Fall 2014 - 62785 - PA393K - Applied Microeconomics for Policy Analysis Spring 2014 - 63730 - PA393L - Advanced Policy Economics Fall 2013 - 63805 - PA393K - Applied Microeconomics for Policy Analysis Spring 2013 - 63030 - PA393L - Advanced Policy Economics