General Counsel, JP Morgan Chase; Partner, Skadden | former assistant secretary of the Treasury
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Cyrus Amir-Mokri
PersonCommon Orgs
Edward S Knight U.S. Department of the Treasury, Economics and International Trade Agency Review Team
Richard L "Dick" Gregg U.S. Department of the Treasury, Economics and International Trade Agency Review Team
Gary Gensler U.S. Department of the Treasury, Economics and International Trade Agency Review Team
Hal Hicks U.S. Department of the Treasury, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP
Emily M Lam U.S. Department of the Treasury, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP
Heidi Nelson Cruz JPMorgan Chase & Co., U.S. Department of the Treasury
Alastair Fitzpayne U.S. Department of the Treasury, Economics and International Trade Agency Review Team
Helene L Kaplan JPMorgan Chase & Co., Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP
Fred T Goldberg Jr U.S. Department of the Treasury, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP
Kenneth W Gideon U.S. Department of the Treasury, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP
Donald Lubick U.S. Department of the Treasury, Economics and International Trade Agency Review Team
Reed E Hundt Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP, Economics and International Trade Agency Review Team
Josh Gotbaum U.S. Department of the Treasury, Economics and International Trade Agency Review Team
James E Millstein U.S. Department of the Treasury, Economics and International Trade Agency Review Team
Damon Munchus U.S. Department of the Treasury, Economics and International Trade Agency Review Team
William C Weldon JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Stephen B Burke JPMorgan Chase & Co.
David M Cote JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Crandall Close Bowles JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Robert I Lipp JPMorgan Chase & Co.