Daniel T. Fleming Managing Director Send A Message Dan began his private equity career in 1996 and joined River Cities in 2001. He has been involved in a diverse set of investments including business and marketing services, healthcare services, enterprise software and Software-as-a-Service applications. Upon the generational transition of River Cities, his partners elected him to assume the leadership within the firm, and he is now President of the management company. Prior to his career in private equity, Dan held various technically oriented positions including design engineering at Kodak and operations management with Owens-Illinois and Procter & Gamble. He also worked in strategic consulting with Towers Perrin. Upon returning to Cincinnati after business school, he rejoined P&G where he held several positions in financial analysis and strategic planning for the company. Dan graduated from The Ohio State University with a BS, cum laude, in Engineering in 1986 and obtained an MBA from the Harvard Business School in 1991 with an emphasis in Finance and Business Strategy. Dan is on the board of trustees of Cincinnati Works, a non-profit that offers job development services, and has served in various leadership capacities at his place of worship. He is also a founding member and on the board of VentureOhio, a statewide organization for investors and entrepreneurs who are building high growth companies in Ohio. Dan also serves on the board of directors of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which offers emergency aid and spiritual support to the poor and vulnerable members of the community.