Email: Phone: 831-459-5042 Fax: 831-459-4829 Office #: E2–347B Office Hours: (Fall 2007) Tuesdays 2–4, and by appointment Address: Computer Science Department University of California 1156 High Street MS:SOE3 Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Dr. Scott A. Brandt is Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is also Director of the UCSC Systems Research Laboratory, co-founder of the UCSC Storage Systems Research Center and, co-founder and Director of the UCSC/Los Alamos Institute for Scalable Scientific Data Management. Dr. Brandt's research is in the area of Computer Systems. He specializes in Storage Systems and Real-Time Systems and, more recently, System and Storage Performance Management. His Storage System research includes high-performance peta-scale object-based storage and the use of new storage technologies to improve storage system performance and reliability. His real-time research focuses on integrating real-time and non-real-time processing into a uniform processing environment. His performance management research integrates the two to provide processing and I/O performance guarantees in local and distributed systems. Dr. Brandt joined UC Santa Cruz in 1999. Prior to that he spent a number of years doing research and development in industry, including secure operating systems research at Secure Computing Corporation, and real-time image processing systems research at Alliant Techsystems Research and Technology Center and Honeywell Systems and Research Center. Dr. Brandt also co-founded Theseus Research, a small company devoted to researching asynchronous circuit technology and parallel computer languages. Dr. Brandt received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1999, his M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota in 1994, and his Bachelor of Mathematics from the University of Minnesota in 1987.