Eleanor Clement Glass Chief of Donor Engagement and Giving at Silicon Valley Community Foundation San Francisco Bay Area Connect Connect with Eleanor Clement Glass More actions Silicon Valley Community Foundation University of California, Davis University of California, Davis See contact info See contact info See connections (25) 25 connections Experience Silicon Valley Community Foundation Chief Donor Engagement and Giving Officer Company NameSilicon Valley Community Foundation Dates EmployedOct 2005 – Present Employment Duration13 yrs 1 mo LocationMountain View, California 94040 Eleanor Clement Glass brings a wealth of leadership and 25 years of nonprofit experience to her new role as chief donor and giving officer at the new Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Her responsibilities include providing oversight and guidance to the community foundation's grantmaking, donor engagement, convening, community initiatives, research, and special projects. Eleanor is not new to community foundations. She joined The San Francisco Foundation in 1993 and served as the education program officer and later, director of programs. Her grantmaking supported early childhood, youth development, public school reform, and strengthening families. She led an effort (the Hewlett-Annenberg Challenge) that resulted in a $100 million school reform initiative, the Bay Area School Reform Collaborative, that transformed teaching and learning and began to close the achievement gap in 87 Bay Area schools. She also initiated the $5 million Quality Child Care Initiative to increase the quality and availability of child care in eight Bay Area counties. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation engaged her Services as special advisor in philanthropy in its Organizational Effectiveness and Philanthropy department to design a grantmaking portfolio to strengthen California community foundations and emerging donor education programs across the nation. The past five years were devoted to the creation of exciting learning opportunities for individual donors and institutional funders at The Foundation Incubator. She became the director of the Philanthropy Incubator, a joint venture of the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University and Community Foundation Silicon Valley, to bring the TFI model of donor education to the Silicon Valley. Active in the community, Eleanor currently serves on the boards of Hands On Bay Area and Destination:Home and serves on Stanford's National Advisory Board for the Haas Center for Public Service. See less Education University of California, Davis University of California, Davis Degree NameB.S. Field Of StudyPsychology University of California, Davis University of California, Davis Degree NameM.S. Field Of StudyHuman Development