Susan Rice
US Department of State, Brookings Institute, Center For A New American Security Inc., National Security Policy Working Group
Richard Armitage
US Department of State, Center For A New American Security Inc., Atlantic Council, America Abroad Media
Michèle Flournoy
Center For A New American Security Inc., National Security Policy Working Group, Atlantic Council, Markle Economic Future Initiative
Madeleine Albright
US Department of State, Center For A New American Security Inc., Atlantic Council, Markle Economic Future Initiative
John C Whitehead
US Department of State, Brookings Institute, Atlantic Council, America Abroad Media
Anne-Marie Slaughter
US Department of State, Center For A New American Security Inc., Atlantic Council, Policy Planning Staff
Henry A Kissinger
US Department of State, Atlantic Council, RAND Corporation
Ivo Daalder
Brookings Institute, National Security Policy Working Group, Atlantic Council
Zoe Baird
Brookings Institute, Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, Markle Economic Future Initiative
David L Goldwyn
US Department of State, Brookings Institute, Atlantic Council
Richard J Danzig
Center For A New American Security Inc., National Security Policy Working Group, RAND Corporation
Ashton Carter
Center For A New American Security Inc., Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, Markle Economic Future Initiative
Witney Schneidman
US Department of State, Brookings Institute, National Security Policy Working Group
R Nicholas Burns
Center For A New American Security Inc., Atlantic Council, America Abroad Media
Thomas R Pickering
US Department of State, Atlantic Council, America Abroad Media
Condoleezza Rice
US Department of State, Atlantic Council, RAND Corporation
Philip Zelikow
US Department of State, America Abroad Media, Markle Economic Future Initiative
Carlos Pascual
US Department of State, Brookings Institute, Atlantic Council
Stuart Eizenstat
US Department of State, Brookings Institute, Atlantic Council
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Atlantic Council, America Abroad Media, Policy Planning Staff