Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
Reshma M Saujani
Founder, Girls Who Code
Ro Khanna
US Representative (D) from California
Srilata Akbar Zaheer
Professor, University of Minnesota
Al Franken
Former US Senator from Minnesota
Akshay R Rao
Professor of Marketing - Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
Jonathan Shay
Clinical Psychiatrist / Classicist
Charlie Fink
media exec, Vienna, VA
Josh Steiner
Co-Chairman of Castleton Commodities; former chief of staff at the Treasury Department, who founded Quadrangle Group
Rishi Bhutada
VP of Finance at Star Pipe Products in Houston
Gautam Prakash
Founder and CEO of Monsoon Capital
Shekar Narasimhan
Managing Partner - Beekman Advisors; Major Democratic Donor
Democratic Party
The U.S. Democratic Party