Tom, a former rates and fixed utility service attorney at the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PA PUC), has been a partner with the firm since 1989 and spent much of his career representing a wide array of clients in virtually every utility industry type of rate, certificate of public convenience, service, financing, and merger and acquisition proceedings before the PA PUC. His experience includes advising and representing major natural gas, electric, municipal and private utility water and sewer suppliers in negotiating power purchase agreements, gas or bulk sales agreements, disputes regarding service rights or bulk sales agreements, and, in rate, service, and franchise proceedings. Tom also represents large institutional and municipal customers in multiple areas, including power purchase agreements, negotiated contract \service, and flex pricing arrangements for natural gas, electric, water and sewer. Plus, he represents and provides advice to investment funds, potential buyers, and institutions regarding regulatory PA PUC due diligence for planned or potential transactions, which are, or may become, before the PA PUC. His experience also includes representing utilities, local governmental bodies, and large institutions before the Susquehanna River Basin Commission in permitting, rulemaking and compliance matters and before the Independent Regulatory Review Commission regarding proposed regulations. Additionally, Tom has represented clients in consent and compliance matters involving the Department of Environmental Resources, and provided legal advice and drafting for legislation and regulations. Relative to Marcellus Shale development and use of Pennsylvania gas, Tom has been lead counsel for applicants in two recent, successful, and precedent-setting contested proceedings before the PA PUC: (1) Application of Laser to become a certificated midstream pipeline; and, (2) Application of Leatherstocking Gas Company, LLC, which is now the first new Natural Gas Distribution Company in Pennsylvania in 40 years and who primarily uses supply from shale gas. He continues to provide legal services, advice and representation with respect to existing and planned pipeline projects and cogeneration facilities. Tom is frequently a speaker at continuing legal education and association conferences on rate, acquisition, service, and Marcellus Shale issues. Recently, Tom was a speaker at the 2017 Keystone Energy Forum, where he discussed Eminent Domain in utility, pipeline, and Marcellus Shale operations. Additionally, Tom has presented at conferences on PA utility mergers and acquisitions, the annual Pennsylvania Municipal Electric Association meeting on ratemaking law requirements, and the National Gas and Energy Conference hosted by the University of Texas Law School and the Texas Energy Bar on Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale pipeline issues. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association, Pennsylvania Municipal Electric Association, and the Pennsylvania Bar Association Public Utility and Environmental Law sections. Lead counsel in PA PUC matters, to Audubon Water Company, Borough of Quakertown, Emporium Water Company, Utilities Inc./Community Utilities of PA Inc., Appalachian Utilities, Inc. in rate increase, rate structure and design cases before PA PUC and in merger and acquisitions, franchise, financing including private borrowings, debt issuances and public PennVest loans, service and interconnection and extension matters. (Present).