People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Jean-Sebastien Dominique Francois Jacques
PersonCommon Orgs
Samuel Maurice Cossart Walsh Rio Tinto Plc, Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd., Rio Tinto Limited
Andrew Thomas Harding Rio Tinto Plc, Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd., Rio Tinto Limited
Alan John Bruce Davies Rio Tinto Plc, Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd., Rio Tinto Limited
Debra A Valentine Rio Tinto Plc, Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd., Rio Tinto Limited
Gregory Stephen Lilleyman Rio Tinto Plc, Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd., Rio Tinto Limited
Eleanor Bronwen Evans Rio Tinto Plc, Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd., Rio Tinto Limited
Hugo Bague Rio Tinto Plc, Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Rio Tinto Limited
Christopher James Lynch Rio Tinto Plc, Southgobi Resources Ltd., Rio Tinto Limited
Harry Kenyonslaney Rio Tinto Plc, Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd.
Alfredo Antonio Prieto Rio Tinto Plc, Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd.
Bret Kenneth Clayton Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd.
Jacynthe Cote Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd.
Anne Marie-Alice Lauvergeon Rio Tinto Plc, Rio Tinto Limited
Jan Petrus Du Plessis Rio Tinto Plc, Rio Tinto Limited
Megan Clark Rio Tinto Plc, Rio Tinto Limited
Michael Gerard L'Estrange Rio Tinto Plc, Rio Tinto Limited
Robert Ellis Brown Rio Tinto Plc, Rio Tinto Limited
Michael Ralph Merton Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd., Southgobi Resources Ltd.
Alfredo Antonio Barrios Rio Tinto Plc, Rio Tinto Limited
Michael Clifford Fitzpatrick Rio Tinto Plc, Rio Tinto Limited
Jean-Sebastien Dominique Francois Jacques
Updated over 4 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person
Aliases J-S Jacques, Mr Jean-Sebastien Dominique Francois Jacques