Michael Bloomfield is the Executive Vice President and Managing Director of The Mellman Group which has provided opinion research and strategic advice to political leaders, public interest groups, Fortune 500 companies, and government agencies for over twenty years. The Mellman Group was recently named “Pollster of the Year” by the American Association of Political Consultants for its upset victories and unparalleled accuracy. In the political arena, Michael has established a reputation for helping Democrats win in so-called “red states”. He helped Brian Schweitzer get elected, as the first Democratic Governor in Montana in two decades. He also helped John Barrow defeat a Georgia Congressman to become one of only two Democrats to beat an incumbent member of Congress in 2004, and then helped him survive 2010 to become one of the only Democrats in the deep south. Other clients include Congresswoman Shelly Berkley (NV), the North Carolina State House Caucus, the Oklahoma Democratic Party, and both the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, among others. He has also briefed the House and Senate Caucuses on various topics including jobs, the environment and health care. Michael has done work on brand and message development with corporate clients and non-profit clients including The Coca-Cola Corporation, Blue Cross Blue Shield, The American Beverage Association, The American Alliance For Manufacturing, George Washington University, New Jersey Education Association, American Jewish World Service, and the Washington Wizards. Before joining The Mellman Group, he served as Political Director of AIPAC, The American Israel Public Affairs Committee. During his tenure, Capitol Hill’s newspaper, Roll Call, selected him as one of the fifty most influential people in working behind the scenes in Washington, and AIPAC was twice ranked as the second most effective lobbying organization by Fortune Magazine. He managed a local campaign in his hometown of Toledo, Ohio and later worked on Capitol Hill for Senators Don Riegle, Howard Metzenbaum, and Edward Kennedy. He has a Bachelors degree from the University of Michigan. He lives in Washington, DC, with his wife and their two children.