ANIRUDH DINESH I’m a 20 something year old, eternal optimist with a slightly fossil-like appearance. I work at the GovLab at New York University where we explore how new technologies can be used to transform the way governments work to the ultimate end of improving people’s lives. I focus on using these technology platforms to foster, what we call, people-led innovation. In a parallel life I run this tiny blog which I’ve affectionately named Dudurudh and use it to tell stories, rant passionately and to shout out my (biased) opinions to the cyber world. I launched Dudurudh around 2011 and my baby has undergone several transformations since then. My grammar has improved (for example, I used to add a space before every period), the quality of my writing has ebbed and flowed (I shamelessly read some of my older stuff and wonder why I don’t write like that anymore) but Dudurudh has always been my open access creative writing book and that hasn’t changed. Not too long ago I graduated from New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering with a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering after having survived a Bachelor’s degree from Karnataka’s very own Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU). I am a Chelsea Football Club aficionado, an unapologetic Apple fanboi, a Steve Jobs devotee and I love cricket. By virtue of my two degrees in electronics, I know Moore’s prediction and I will correct you every time you call it a law but despite my numerous years of following cricket, I do not understand the Duckworth-Lewis system.