Mr. Myers has extensive experience in natural resources and public land law, having rejoined the firm in 2003 after serving as the Solicitor of the U.S. Department of the Interior. As Solicitor, Mr. Myers was the chief legal officer and third-ranking official in the Department. He supervised an office of over 300 attorneys in 19 locations nationwide. He advised the Secretary and subordinate officials on appellate and trial matters as well as policy and administrative issues. He also worked closely with the Department of Justice and other federal agencies. Interior's jurisdiction covers approximately 20 percent of nation's surface estate and a significant amount of the nation's minerals. Mr. Myers also served as Deputy General Counsel for Programs at the U.S. Department of Energy in the first Bush administration. He directed the work of agency attorneys in the areas of international energy, civilian nuclear energy, DOE contracts and regulatory intervention. Prior to DOE, he served as an Assistant to the Attorney General in the United States Department of Justice. Mr. Myers began his tenure in Washington, D.C. as legislative counsel to U.S. Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming, specializing in energy and natural resources issues. Prior to that, he practiced law in Wyoming. Mr. Myers is listed as one of The Best Lawyers in America, in Mountain States Super Lawyers, and in the 2008 edition of Chambers USA, America's Leading Lawyer for Business, for Natural Resources and Environment. In addition to speaking and writing in the areas of his expertise, Mr. Myers has served as Vice Chairman of the American Bar Association Committee on Public Lands under the Section of Environment, Energy and Resources. The Idaho State Bar appointed Mr. Myers as its Trustee to the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation in 2008. He also chaired the Federal Lands Task Force Working Group, chartered by the Idaho State Board of Land Commissioners to promote improved management of federal lands in Idaho.