Stephanie Gold's practice focuses on the representation of colleges, universities, post-secondary institutions, education associations, distance education firms, student loan organizations, and investors in education-related companies. She has represented education clients in matters related to federal financial assistance, student financial aid, privacy, student discipline, campus crime, military recruiting, research activity, state education licensure, civil rights, foreign students, and accreditation. Stephanie advises clients on legal issues related to distance education, overseas initiatives, and institutional changes in ownership, including state education licensure, accreditation, and federal regulation. In particular, Stephanie has assisted clients in structuring and obtaining regulatory approvals for changes in ownership, new campus locations, and distance education and has served as education regulatory counsel for venture capital firms, education companies, and educational institutions in connection with commercial transactions. In addition, Stephanie counsels clients on compliance with civil rights and other regulatory requirements. Stephanie has served as education regulatory counsel to a for-profit, publicly held higher education company in the disposition of controlling interest in the company by a venture capital firm. She negotiated a favorable settlement with the U.S. Department of Education in connection with an audit of a community college's administration of federal student financial aid programs and alleged overawards of federal student aid funds. Stephanie conducted a comprehensive assessment of a public university’s compliance with federal requirements related to campus crime policies and reporting. She has advised degree and non-degree granting institutions on state education licensure requirements related to in-state and out-of-state institutions and has assisted such institutions in obtaining licensure where required. Stephanie was editor in chief of the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform. After law school, Stephanie served as a law clerk to The Honorable Cornelia G. Kennedy of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Stephanie routinely speaks on legal developments of interest to education clients, including at meetings of the National Association of College and University Attorneys and the National Association of College and University Business Officers.