Business Positions
Turnberry Solutions LLC
Headquartered in Blue Bell, Pa., Turnberry Solutions is an IT consulting and professional services firm
Avenue Strategies
Corey Lewandowski consulting firm
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc
Donald Trump's Campaign Committee June 2015
National Rifle Association
National Rifle Association of America; 501(c)(4) social welfare nonprofit.
In the office of
Ted Stevens
US Senator from Alaska
Donald Trump
45th President of the United States; Former host of The Apprentice Reality show; Real estate developer
Ben Carson
former HUD Secretary
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Katherine Harris
Former Florida Secretary of State, Congressperson, state senator
Peter Roskam
Former US Representative R-Illinois
Connect Strategy
lobbying firm
Twin Rocks Global LLC
New lobbying firm of Jason Osborne and Michael Rubino
Miscellaneous Relationships
Brad Birkenfeld
whistleblower and convicted ex-banker