Anne Fadullon is the Director of the Planning and Development Cabinet for the City of Philadelphia. Previsouly she was the Director of Development, Dale Corporation. Anne has been with the Dale Corporation since 2000. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Urban Studies and Economics from Lehigh University and her Master of City Planning degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to her tenure at the Dale Corporation, Anne was Director of Development at the Redevelopment Authority during the Rendell Administration. Anne has over 25 years of experience in the real estate development field, including project management, planning, site acquisition and construction implementation. Her resume at Dale Corporation includes the completion of the Neumann North Senior Housing complex, which includes 67 affordable rental units for seniors. Currently under construction is Spring Arts Point, a mixed-income, mixed-use project. She is currently acting as a development consultant on several large scale, mixed-use hospitality oriented projects in Philadelphia. During the course of her extensive career, Anne has administered over 125 residential and commercial development projects, which produced over 1,500 housing units and numerous commercial enterprises. As Director of Development for the Dale Corporation, Anne is responsible for pursuing opportunities for the growth and development of the organization in the areas of construction management and real estate development.