Nancy Kotler earned a B.A. from the University of Chicago, a M.A. in English Literature from Northwestern University where she was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, and a J.D. from Loyola University. She taught in both the English Department and the Business School at Northeastern Illinois University. Nancy practiced with the firm of Lurie Sklar and Simon in Chicago. She was Chair of the Evanston Arts Council and worked to find collaborative projects with other organizations in Evanston working to serve under-served youth. She then became Chair of the Public Art Committee which was engaged in placing works for the new library and in renovated parks. Nancy also served on the Illinois Humanities council, the Executive Committee of the Women’s Board of the University of Chicago, and the Board of Northlight Theater. Nancy and her husband, Philip Kotler, are collectors of studio art glass and Nancy served as President of the Collector’s Association, The Alliance for Contemporary Glass. She presently sits on the Grants Committee for that organization. The Kotlers have three daughters and nine grandchildren.