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Wendy C. Wolf, Ph.D. is a policy analyst, activist and philanthropist focused on improving the lives of women and their families. Since retirement from running her own company, she has focused her energy on organizing women donors in support of progressive social change. She was the leader of the Women Donors Network’s (WDN) work on reproductive rights for eight years: she spearheaded the venture funding (including 86 donors) of WeareUltraViolet(UV), an on-line organizing effort fighting sexism. She is on the steering committee for UV’s (c)(3) and Treasurer of their (c)(4). At WDN, she was on the board, served as Treasurer and was chair of the education and action efforts. She has been chair of the Board, as well as Treasurer and head of policy activities for the Healthy Teen Network, an organization of providers addressing issues of adolescent pregnancy and parenting. And she has participated in similar roles on the boards of Philadelphia Citizens for Children and Youth and Living Beyond Breast Cancer. She was the Founder of the Center for Assessment and Policy Development (CAPD), which she led for 12 years. At CAPD, she and her staff provided strategic assistance and evaluation expertise to large foundations around how to improve the life outcomes of women and children. Prior to founding CAPD, she was the Director of Research for Public/ Private Ventures for 7 years. She has had a teaching position at the University of Arizona, with a multitude of published papers on women’s economic security. She received a Ph.D. in Demography and Sociology from Johns Hopkins University and a B.A. from Brown University.
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