Robert M. Sussman is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and recently retired as a partner at the law firm of Latham & Watkins, where he headed the firm’s environmental practice in Washington, D.C. for 10 years. During the Clinton administration, Robert served as Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. As EPA’s second-in-command, he had responsibility for all the agency’s programs and played a leading role on Superfund, global warming, science policy, and the environmental aspects of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Robert is on the Board of Directors of the Environmental Law Institute, the Board of Advisors of the Center for International Environmental Law, and was on the Board of the Environmental Alliance. He also served on the Steering Committee of the Enterprise for the Environment initiative chaired by former EPA Administrator Ruckelshaus and on the National Academy of Sciences Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology. Robert is a leading expert on climate change and energy policy. He has published several articles on this subject and testified before Congress. Robert is currently focusing on the future of coal and global warming and recently co-authored two major reports on this issue for American Progress. Robert is also working on the roles of developed and developing countries under a new global climate agreement. Robert is a graduate of Yale College and Yale Law School.