Ms. Reed most recently was President of the International Food Information Council Foundation, a non-profit collaborating with governments, the food and agricultural supply chain, and health professionals on issues surrounding the feeding of the global population. She previously served as senior advisor to U.S. Treasury Secretaries John Snow and Henry Paulson, and led the U.S. Treasury Department’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, where she awarded nearly $4 billion in tax credits, loans, and grants to financial institutions and economic development groups for investing in economically distressed communities. She also was counsel to three Congressional committees in the U.S. House of Representatives: Ways and Means, Government Reform and Oversight, and Education and the Workforce, and vice president for financial markets policy relations at Lehman Brothers. Ms. Reed is recognized as one of the “100 Women Leaders in STEM” (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), serves on several boards. She is the first woman chair of the Republican National Lawyers Association. She holds a B.S. in biology and government from West Virginia Wesleyan College and J.D. from West Virginia University College of Law.