Business Positions
APCO Worldwide
PR and lobbying firm
Founded in 1971 and headquartered in Seattle, WA, Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ: SBUX) is the world's largest specialty coffee retailer. The company has over 10,000 locations worldwide.
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
Maria Cantwell
Democratic US Senator from Washington, Former House Member
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
Midwest Values PAC (Mvp)
Al Franken founded Midwest Values PAC (MVP) in the fall of 2005
Patty Murray
Democratic US Senator from Washington
Al Franken
Former US Senator from Minnesota, Saturday Night Live contributor
Carol Moseley Braun
Former US Senator from Illinois
Louise McIntosh Slaughter
US Representative from New York