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Glimcher who spent most of his career working for his family's shopping mall business, Columbus, Ohio-based Glimcher Realty Trust, took over as Starwood CEO in September 2017, succeeding Scott Wolstein, who had led the company since it was founded five years ago. Starwood Capital Group, the big Greenwich, Conn.-based private-equity firm, formed Starwood Retail in 2012 to manage its retail properties. Glimcher joined Starwood Retail about 15 months after his abrupt departure from WP Glimcher, a real estate investment trust formed in 2015 by the merger of Glimcher Realty Trust and Washington Prime Group, another shopping center REIT. He declined to discuss his reasons for resigning as vice chairman and CEO of WP Glimcher. After Glimcher's one-year noncompete agreement expired, he was ready to get back to work.
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