Anthony H. Griffin is the at-large Board Member of the Fairfax County Water Authority. He was a half-time faculty member at George Mason University’s Department of Public and International Affairs until December 2014. He retired in April 2012 after 23 years of service to Fairfax County, including 13 years as County Executive and 10 years as Deputy County Executive. He was also City Manager of Falls Church for six years and spent eight years with Arlington County, including serving as Acting County Manager for a year. Mr. Griffin spent three years as a junior officer in the Marine Corps to include a tour in Vietnam. He was a Board Member of the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority from 1996 to 2012 representing Fairfax County, and is currently a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. Mr. Griffin is a graduate of Hobart College and earned two Master’s Degrees from Virginia Tech. He and his wife, Lucy, have two adult children and live in Oak Hill, Virginia. Mr. Griffin is an appointee of the Governor of Virginia.