Arnaldo Segarra, a native of East Harlem raised in the Johnson Projects, is a lifelong organizer who began his political career at the East Harlem Tenants Council in the mid-60s. A well-known activist, Segarra served in the Lindsay administration as Special Assistant for Puerto Rican Affairs. In 1972, his record of organizing led Segarra to Washington, D.C., where he helped establish the first Office of Hispanic Affairs for the Democratic National Committee. Segarra served President Jimmy Carter as Director for Hispanic Affairs in the North East Region during his first presidential campaign and on the Carter transition team. Back in New York, Segarra worked under his longtime friend and former Mayor David Dinkins as Director of Mayoral Advance & and as Special Assistant; for Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer as Special Assistant; and for Comptroller William Thompson as Director of the Advance Team & an Assistant with Community Relations. Segarra attended Paul Smith’s College on a basketball scholarship, and has been recognized with accolades like “Distinguished Hispanic of NY” and as one of the “80 NY Boricua Greats.” He is also a recipient of the “Unsung Hero” Award in 2004.