Russell Gaudreau is the employee benefits partner at the Wagner Law Group in Boston. Previously he was managing partner of Ropes & Gray’s Washington office, where he coordinated the firm’s employee benefits practice. Gaudreau is director and founder of the New England Employee Benefits Council and teaches at the Boston University School of Law Graduate Tax Program and the Georgetown University Law Center. In addition, he is a founding member of the American College of Employee Benefits Council and serves on the American Bar Association’s Committee on Employee Benefits, Tax section. Gaudreau has published numerous articles on employee benefits and co-authored the chapter “Tax-Sheltered Annuities, Church, Governmental, and Qualified Bond Purchase Plans” in Bender’s Federal Tax Service. He was on the faculty of the American Law Institute of the American Bar Association and was director and former president of Parents’ & Children’s Services. Gaudreau was included in the 2013 edition of New England’s Best Lawyers. He received a JD from Suffolk University Law School in 1968 and holds an LLM from New York University and a BA from the University of Massachusetts.