Doug was born June 15, 1949 in Panguitch, Utah to Vard and Florence Heaton of Alton, Utah and spent his early years in a happy family supported by a livestock operation. He worked on the family ranch when he wasn't in school until he was 19 years old, when he was called to serve a mission in Canada for the LDS Church. He returned in 1970 and went to Brigham Young University where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1973. While he was at BYU he met his sweetheart Coleen Christensen were married in August of that year. He and his wife them moved to Florida where they became partners in a logging business which venture they enjoyed for 5 years. In 1978 they returned to Utah and went to work for Kiabab Industries as a timber faller until 1992 when Kiabab closed and then became a General Contractor. In 2008 he filed for political office, running for the Kane County Commission which is still where he spends his time. Along the way Doug and Coleen became parents of fourteen children, thirteen of whom are still living. She and they are his greatest accomplishment. Doug also loves flying and trying to find and learn the things which the Founding Fathers understood as they are amongst his greatest heroes. Among his goals is a quest to implement the Founding Fathers’ political principles in County and State Government....for starters.