Kenneth McClane is the W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of Literature and a Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow at Cornell University, where he has taught English, African American literature, and Creative Writing for 34 years. He is the author of eight poetry collections. Mr. McClane has been a visiting professor at Colby College; Williams College, where he was a Henry Luce Visiting Professor; Washington University (St. Louis); and a Dr. Martin Luther King Distinguished Professor at the University of Michigan and at Wayne State University. He has served on the Board of Trustees of Adelphi University, and on the Board of Directors of the Tompkins County Library Foundation, the Constance Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts, the New York Council for the Humanities, and the Tompkins County Community Foundation, where he was a Founding Board Member. Cornell University, M.F.A. Cornell University, M.A. Cornell University, B.A.