Jessica Malow is an Associate Vice President at Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. (VSA). At VSA, Malow works for a variety of higher education coalitions and institutions with a focus on research, research infrastructure capacity, technology and economic development. In addition, she also represents private companies and health care organizations. Malow returned to VSA in 1999, following three years in Los Angeles, California. While in Los Angeles, Malow worked as Senior Editor and Special Assistant to the President of the Universities Space Research Association (USRA). At USRA, Malow was closely involved with public outreach efforts related to USRA’s contract for the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, and worked on projects to team major launch providers with graduate and undergraduate students building satellites at USRA member institutions. Malow, a native of Virginia, received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Michigan.