People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Ron Cameron
Person | Common Orgs |
Michael Tirrell | Mountaire Farms |
Genevieve Couch | The Jesus Fund |
Ronald Cameron joined Mountaire in 1968 and became chairman and CEO after the death of his father, G. Ted Cameron, in 1978. Cameron is also a member of Bear State Financial Holdings, an Arkansas investment group that controls Bear State Financial Inc. of Harrison, formerly First Federal Bancshares of Arkansas. Mountaire, a poultry producer under the Mountaire Foods and Mountaire Farms brands, had $2 billion in revenue in 2013 and more than 6,000 employees nationwide, making it the second-largest private company headquartered in Arkansas ranked by 2013 revenue.
Person | Common Orgs |
Michael Tirrell | Mountaire Farms |
Genevieve Couch | The Jesus Fund |