Mr. Paone served on Capitol Hill for 32 years before retiring and joining Timmons and Co. From 1979 to 2008, he worked on the Senate floor for the Democratic leadership in one capacity or another. From 1995 to 2008, he served as an officer of the Senate in the position of Democratic Secretary. His duties on the floor consisted of analyzing and recommending matters for floor consideration, including legislation, nominations and treaties. He assisted the Democratic leader in his liaison with Committee Chairman and their staff directors, the House leadership staff and the White House Office of Congressional Affairs. He provided drafting advice and parliamentary assistance to the Democratic leadership, other Senators and staff. Mr. Paone graduated from Boston College with a B.A. in Economics and Philosophy and he has a Masters Degree in Russian Area Studies from Georgetown University. Marty was born in Everett, Massachusetts. He is married and has three children.