Judy B. Rosener, Ph.D, a 1951 graduate of UCLA, was a traditional wife and mother until the University of California put the UCI campus in her backyard in 1965. As her children were beginning to leave the nest, she decided to go back to school part-time. At that time, she was thinking more of becoming "educated" than having an academic career. However, after years of volunteer work, and developing and teaching several courses in the newly formed UCI Extension, she ended up teaching in the Graduate School of Management (GSM). She was told that if she wanted to be a "real" professor, she would have to get a Ph.D -- so she did. She received a doctorate at the age of 50 from the Claremont Graduate University and has been a full-time professor at GSM for over 30 years. Dr. Rosener has taught courses in business and government, cultural diversity, privatization, and the social and political implications of Information Technology (IT). However, her research focuses on workplace gender issues. She is considered an expert in this field and is a sought-after speaker at corporations, professional organizations and educational institutions. She has received numerous professional and educational awards, most notably being named Alumna of the Year for Professional Achievements by both UCLA and Alumna of the Year by the Claremont Graduate University. Dr. Rosener is the author of the path-breaking article, "Ways Women Lead," Harvard Business Review, November/December, 1990), co-author of Workforce America! Managing Employee Diversity as a Vital Resource (Business One Irwin, 1991), and author of America's Competitive Secret, Women Managers (Oxford University Press, Paperback, Fall 1997). She is currently working on a book about sex-based brain, hormonal and socialization differences, and their implications for decision-making in the workplace. Dr. Rosener is currently a member of the IWF (International Women's Forum), The Belizean Grove, Girls, Inc. and the LWV (League of Women Voters). She was formerly on the Board of Advisors, School of Politics and Economics, Claremont Graduate University. Dr. Rosener was on Board of Directors of KCET, the public television station for Southern California for ten years, and a Commissioner on the California Coastal Commission for eight years, a major regulatory agency in California. Dr. Rosener has been married for 64 years (to the same man) and has three adult children. She lives on Lido Isle in Newport Beach, California.