Board Memberships
Public School Academies of Detroit
Detroit charter school system
Plante & Moran
Major accounting firm
Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
George W Bush
43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
Michael J Bouchard
Sheriff of Oakland County, and frequent Republican candidate for state wide office
Spencer Abraham
Former Energy Secretary, US Senator from Michigan
Clark Durant
Munder Capital; co-founded the independent Cornerstone Schools in Detroit in 1991 and served as Chair or CEO for 18 years
Carl Levin
Former US Senator from Michigan
Debbie Stabenow
US Senator and Representative from Michigan (2001-present)
Joseph Knollenberg
US Representative from Michigan
Gary Peters
US Senator (2015-present); Former US Rep from Michigan (2009-2015)
Mike Rogers
former US Representative from Michigan