Julian Cecil Stanley Jr. was born in Macon, Georgia, on July 9, 1918.Before becoming a high school math and chemistry teacher at age 19, he graduated from West Georgia Junior College (1936) and Georgia Teachers College (1937), now Georgia Southern University. In World War II (1942–1945) Julian served in the chemical warfare service. He earned his doctorate in education from Harvard (1950). Julian assumed his first academic position at George Peabody College for Teachers (1949), now Peabody College of Vanderbilt University. There he was an associate professor in educational psychology. In 1953, he responded to the University of Wisconsin’s call. In 1965, Julian became a fellow of Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. From Stanford, Julian went to Johns Hopkins University (first in education and then in psychology when the former department was dissolved). There he remained, working until one week before his death at age 87. Remembered as Little Cecil, Cecil, Julian, Dr. Stanley, or Stan, he was preceded in death by his first wife of 32 years, Rose, and his second wife of 20 years, Barbara. He is survived by his widow, formerly Dorothy Fahey; daughter, Susan Wil- hoft; grandson, Spencer Wilhoft; sister, Lestina Webb; and many nieces and nephews.