Well-known for his influential articles on Socrates and Plato, Professor Woodruff has also published a critical edition of Plato's Hippias Major (1982) as well as translations of Plato’s Ion(1983) and (with Alexander Nehamas) Symposium(1989) and Phaedrus (1995). He has also written on topics in aesthetics and ethics and translated works by Euripides, Sophocles, and Thucydides. His recent publications include The Necessity of Theater (Oxford University Press, 2008), The Ajax Dilemma (Oxford University Press, 2011), Reverence: Renewing a Forgotten Virtue (2d Edition, Oxford University Press, 2014), and contributions The Cambridge Companion to Early Greek Philosophy (1999), A Companion to Aristotle (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), Cambridge Companion to Ancient Skepticism (2010), and A Companion to Sophocles (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012). He has been Visiting Professor at the University of Pittsburgh and has twice directed NEH seminars on ancient philosophy.